Service by Kayaking

Kayak Water Trail in Red River Park by Adrenailha
Trilhas Aquáticas, são roteiros pré estabelecidos, desenhados para visitar atrativos naturais, históricos e culturais de Floripa a partir da perspectiva d'água. Navegando em Caiaque, Canoa ou Standuppaddle temos um angulo diferenciado de observação dessesPrice: 250.00 R$
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Try the Sombreado coffee, remando and sailing from Canoa!
This water trail was designed to explore the natural, historical and cultural attractions of Florianópolis from a unique perspective: the water. In this special route, we sail through centuries-old Garapuvu Canoes, accessing preserved areas inaccessible by land.Price: 137.50 R$
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Mangrove and Beach Kayak Tour BY PARATY TOURS
Mangrove and Beach Kayak TourPrice: 70.00 $
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Schooner with standup paddle and kayak service included
Boat tour with standup paddle and kayak experiencePrice: 41.00 $
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