Service by Day Trips & Excursions

Verona and Amarone
A tour dedicated to Verona and ValpolicellaPrice: 180.00 €
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Storia e gemme nascoste di Verona Walking Tour
Tour semiprivato interamente in Italiano alla scoperta dei luoghi più suggestivi e più importanti della città per scoprirne storia, aneddoti, curiosità.Price: 35.00 €
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History and hidden gems of Verona Walking Tour
Semiprivate tour in English enabling you to get to know not just the touristy areas only but also many unexpected sights, archaeological sites and cozy hidden corners for a comprehensive overview of Verona.Price: 35.00 €
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Geschichte und Geheimtipps Veronas – Walking Tour (auf Deutsch)
Halb-private Führung zur Entdeckung aller Sehenswürdigkeiten des Stadtzentrums, nicht nur die berühmte touristische Hauptsachen, um Verona wirklich kennenzulernen.Price: 35.00 €
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From Padua, Full Day guided Tour of Verona and Garda Lake
Among History and breathtaking viewsPrice: 130.00 €
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Guided Tour in Verona
The elegance of the city of lovePrice: 90.00 €
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Half-day small-group tour to Verona from Padua
The heart of VeronaPrice: 100.00 €
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