Yoga Treatments in Kandy

You can choose one of Yoga treatment the list.......
- ASHTANGA YOGA - Ashtanga yoga is a fast-paced, modern style of gymnastic exercises and stretching, practiced in combination with yoga breathing and ancient yoga philosophy. A detoxing sweat for body, mind, and spirit.
- AERIAL YOGA - Aerial yoga is playful yet challenging providing traction to fully extend one's posture. the spine lengthens reducing compression of the vertebrae, improving the function of nerves and creating a sense of lightness and ease throughout the entire body
- YIN YOGA - Yin yoga focuses on holding various postures for five minutes with support from blankets, bolsters, blocks and straps. The aim is to release tension in the connective tissue to allow for the total relaxation of the muscles.
- RESTORATIVE - Using various forms of yoga equipment, the body is supported in all areas to allow for a total sense of deep relaxation. These postures can be held for ten minutes or more. This is deeply nourishing and restoring for one's wellbeing.
- VINYASA YOGA - Vinyasa yoga is a moving meditation like a dance connecting movement and breath allowing for a sense of presence and grounding. It is also referred to as Flow yoga and can be practiced at a fast or slow pace.
- PARTNER YOGA - partner yoga is a variation of asanas where two people are involved in floor-based yoga postures. each person acts as an adjuster supporting, stretching and allowing for a deeper sense of opening.
- Special Yoga treatment
- Advises for Yoga
- Relax Mind
- Any other services not mentioned above