After 1 hour by car that you will see cretan nature on the way and small villages close to the White mountains, passing also from Krapi and Askifou plateu we will be to Imbros village.The hike starts there at the north entrance of the gorge.For the first km the path is easy and the clives wide and low.After they become highter and highter and very nerrow. We will pass from the most nerrow passage, Stenada,that is only 1,5 m nerrow.After we will see a natural arch ,Xepitira, that is at the southern part of the path. In the gorge there are plenty aromatic plants and herbs as margoran, dictamos,sage,thrimbi,tyme,sage...Also cypress trees, prunus, ambelitsea...And many.... wild goads free to feed them by themselfes. The path has been used from the locals in the past to go to Chania. Also the allient forces passed from this path at the 2nd word war. Ending to Komitades you can have lunch if you wish so and after we will use a taxi back to Imbros to the car.Great view also to the Lybian sea.
Hiking stick(batton)
Private transportation
Private transportation
Taxi from Komitades to Imbros
Traditional taverna food
Traditional taverna food