We have a long driving to south, enjoying cretan nature and meet small villages.Arriving to South coast at Chora Sfakion we continiu up to Anopolis that was the capital of the perfecture in the past.We continiu passing drom Aradena brige.The view of the gorge from that point is impresive.Father on is Papadiana where the great hike starts. The first part is easy moving south and lower.Then the hike becomes moderate to Agios Vasilis an abandane old neibourhood with abeutifull church and a great view to Marmara beach, Lybian sea, the gorge and the White mountains un the north. After begines a deficult hike to Marmara beach.
As soon as we will be there you are going to love it .After a small break that you can have a short swim, we continiu up to Livaniana village.All the way the view is great. Then we go father on to Azoyres abandone village.Ruins of a fotress and houses exist there. After we hike into the gorge and oppsite site and trought a dead forest we end at the car and returne back
Private transportation