Lisbon Cultural Food and Wine Walking Tour

Are you a foodie but are you also curious to discover more about Lisbon? Here you have the perfect tour for you! We are guides and also true foodies and we are ready to show you our favorites places and also share with you many stories about our beautiful city! Join us and enjoy an authentic local experience! From the downtown to the very traditional mouraria district, we will bring you in many traditional places and give to you insider tips.
Ready to try the famous Portuguese Codfish Cake with a glass of refreshing Green Wine, meanwhile you learn more about the historical reason of this tradition? And what about the story behind our famous Port wine? Be a local, teasting a typical Bifana (pork Sandwish) with a cold beer. And of course we will toast with a Ginjinha, in an old bar. And we’ll not forget: cheese, ham, an exotic snack and something sweet at the end. Prepare yourself for 14 differents tastings (between drinks and food)!
Ready to try the famous Portuguese Codfish Cake with a glass of refreshing Green Wine, meanwhile you learn more about the historical reason of this tradition? And what about the story behind our famous Port wine? Be a local, teasting a typical Bifana (pork Sandwish) with a cold beer. And of course we will toast with a Ginjinha, in an old bar. And we’ll not forget: cheese, ham, an exotic snack and something sweet at the end. Prepare yourself for 14 differents tastings (between drinks and food)!
14 typical Petiscos and paired local drinks and wines.
Codfish Cake and green wine
Bifana and beer
Port Wine, marmelada, broa, ham and cheese
Ginija liquor
coffee and pastry
Samosa and red green wine
Codfish Cake and green wine
Bifana and beer
Port Wine, marmelada, broa, ham and cheese
Ginija liquor
coffee and pastry
Samosa and red green wine