Hands on Cooking Class in countryside olive grove near Matera


Enjoy a culinary journey through the picturesque countryside and vibrant array of flavors and serene ambiance.
Immerge in Lucanan cuisine through this hands-on learning of cooking techniques using fresh local ingredients. From mastering the art of making fresh pasta to creating the perfect balance of flavors in traditional dishes such “Braciole alla Lucana”. The aromas of garlic, tomatoes, and freshly picked herbs fill the air while you prepare the side dish made from seasonal vegetables. You will also learn a recipe for a regional dessert that will be the perfect conclusion to the meal.
Having concluded the preparation comes the time to enjoy this meal prepared all by you, toasting with wine from the area, in a serene convivial atmosphere, to finish you will be offered an Olivo olive leaf herbal tea.
The combination of natural beauty and culinary delights makes this a perfect journey for those to experience the essence of Italy.
We offer the opportunity to enjoy just the meal, without doing the cooking class, please contact us.
We can accommodate Vegetarians


Hands on cooking show
3 courses lunch or dinner
Local wines or beverages
