SC-IT Scottish Castles: Glamis and Dunnottar - Italian Tour Guide

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From Edinburgh to Glamis Castle
We will leave Edinburgh at 8.00 and after our first stop in North Queensferry, where we will be able to contemplate the famous bridge over the Forth River, we will arrive to Glamis castle, in which King Duncan was murdered by Macbeth. As we watch its amazing outline of towers and pinnacles, we will listen to its ghost and mysteries legends and stories.
Then, we will head to Stonehaven, where we will have time for lunch (not included) and we can enjoy the landscape offered by the county of Aberdeen, with its farming fields on one side and the coastal route on the other.
Dunnottar Castle
After that, we will arrive to Dunnottar Castle. It was a key place in the dark years of the Independence wars in the XIV century. Robert Bruce conquered it and it has been an inspiration for painters, writers and film directors, because of its dramatic position on the cliffs of the Scottish coast.
From Dundee to Edinburgh
Our last stop will be in Dundee, from which we will catch a glimpse of the RRS Discovery, the wooden three-masted ship that carried Captain Scott on his first, successful journey to the Antarctic. Before heading back to Edinburgh, at 18.15, we will pass through the Silicon Glen, the Scottish Silicon valley, where the high tech companies are mingled with the barely fields and the lakes, in a region that is of vital importance for the economy of the country.
Transportation by minibus or coach
Driver tour and professional tour guide of Scotland
Explanations in Italian
Regulatory insurance
Tickets for monuments and attractions visited. Scotland Tour customers can take advantage of a discount at most attractions.
In all our tours you will have the opportunity to carry out alternative activities if you do not wish to visit the attractions.
We will stop to eat in places where you will find a variety of restaurants and supermarkets, so that you can choose according to your preferences.