2 Days Gili Trawangan (from Bali) 4*

Gili Trawangan is a tropical playground of global renown, ranking alongside Bali and Borobudur as one of Indonesia's top destinations. Trawangan's heaving main drag, busy with bikes, cidomos and mobs of scantily clad visitors, can surprise those expecting a languid island retreat. Instead, a bustling string of lounge bars, hip guesthouses, ambitious restaurants, convenience stores and dive schools clamours for attention.
return boat transfer Padang Bai - Gili Trawangan - Padang Bai, return shuttle Hotel Bali - Padang Bai - Hotel Bali, 1 N Accomodation at Aston Sunset Gili Trawanga 4*
meals, return tranfer Harbour - Hotel - Harbour at Gili Trawangan by Cidomo, any Marine activities