Guided Tour Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba


Guided Tour to the most outstanding monument of Cordoba, the Mosque-Cathedral. It has been declared World Heritage Site by the UNESCO. The Guided Tour performed by expert historians , will lead you through an alive temple that has been witness to numerous historical events. It will not leave you indifferent. We will explain the different stages of construction, starting from the remains of the old Visigothic basilica of San Vicente that are still preserved. We will follow the Guided Tour to the old mosque that was built by Emir Abderraman I and the following expansions until the Almanzor period. After the conquest of the city by the Christian army the Mosque became Cathedral and occupied several warehouses due to the enlargement of the Caliph Al-Hakam II for liturgical celebrations. Later on, the existing transept of the Cathedral was built.
