Walking in Valencia

Our meeting point is the Art Nouveau train station "Estación del Norte" opened in 1917. From here, we walk to the Town Hall Square and the Post Office two examples of the power of Valencia at the beginning of the 20th century. And then, time to enjoy "business buildings": the Fruit & Vegetables Central Market (opened in 1928 another example of Art Nouveau) and the Silk Market (from the 15th century,and at the UNESCO Heritage List since 1996).
Our next stop are "the 4 Squares": Lope de Vega Square, Round Square, Queen Square and Virgin Square. From here, we visit the Serranos Towers and know more about the importance of the Turia river in the history of the city. We come back to the old town to do some "window shopping" at the Poeta Querol street (including the façade of the Marchis of Dos Aguas Palace), the Don Juan de Austria street and finally the main shopping street of the city: Colón street.
Art Nouveau is the beginning and the end our walk: the Colon market(1916) is the perfect meeting point to have a coffee and upload the photos we have taken during our day.