Tours rib katakolo port, Mercury bay


scape to the bay of mercury wich was the first port of the erea in ancient years, visit the mithical and Tyganonisi islets places famous for their ancient town called PHIA is burried at the bottom of the sea after a destructive earthquake that struck the area. Dont miss a dive or snorkeling above the ancient PHIA and depending on sea strems who knows you might see the ruins from this town, snorkeling explore the area with your mask and flippers.

you will have the oportunity to explore Nisakoulia, is a place with lighthouse of katakolon with cristal water ideal for swimers and snorkeling.


Accommodation as per itinerary,Entrance fees,Tour escort/host,Port pickup and drop-off,Guaranteed to skip the long lines,Bottled water


Entrance fees,Alcoholic drinks (available to purchase),Drinks,Lunch,Food and drinks,Gratuities (recommended),Souvenir photos (available to purchase)
