Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island Ticket & Roundtrip Ferry


Begin your experience by departing from Battery Park, Manhattan or Liberty State Park, New Jersey. Battery Park is easily accessible via subway, located in Lower Manhattan. Liberty State Park is easily accessible via car, located in Jersey City, NJ.  Board the Staqtue of Liberty ferry and enjoy the NYC Skyline and  the up close views of  Lady Liberty. Enjoy both Liberty Island and Ellis Island.  For over 62 years, Ellis Island was America’s busiest immigration station. Millions of people from all around the globe passed through here looking for a new beginning and a new life for their families in America. With access to the American Family Immigration History Center's records, you can search all ship manifests that came through Ellis Island. Use this unique experience to research your family history.  

At the conclsion of the day you can choose to go back to your original starting location or go to with NJ or NYC but once returning you can not return. 
