King's Levada / Ribeiro Bonito


This is undoubtedly one of the must do not miss, a magnificent route through the Laurissilva of Madeira, where it is possible to appreciate the unique vegetation of this natural heritage.

The first part of the course is composed of a mixture of endemic vegetation and vegetation introduced after the discovery of the Island. Here several perspectives of the village and of the village appear in the distance.

In the second part, the route enters the interior of the Island, which still remains as at the time of discovery, more than five centuries. On this path you will find the flora, natural and native fauna of Madeira.

If you think you have reached the end of levada, continue walking. Explore the forest and discover the superb view that this secluded spot has yet to offer you.

Undoubtedly one of the most beautiful routes of the Island of Madeira.


Professional guide

Know before you go

  • You should bring enough water and snacks with you.
  • It is recommended to have sunscreen for a sensitive skin.
  • You should have a wind and rain protection jacket with you, if necessary.
