Gondola ride near St Mark’s Square + OPTIONAL islands tour


Meet our tour leader in front of Cornoldi Palace, 10 minutes on foot from St Mark’s Square. Show the tickets and follow them to the departure point of the gondola ride, at the Gondola stop “Danieli”. There you will join a shared- 30- minutes gondola ride through St Mark’s basin and its beautiful islands and palaces. Let the gondolier lead you through the artistic beauties of the Republic of Venice and the ancient entrance of the city.

Choose whether to buy only the gondola ride or to purchase the package that also includes the tour of the islands (Murano-Burano or Murano-Torcello-Burano).

The date of the island tour must necessarily be booked by contacting the agency.

The guide will not get on board the gondola. This is not a guided tour.


Gondola ride through St Mark's Basin

Choose whether to buy only the gondola ride or to purchase the package that also includes the tour of the islands (Murano-Burano or Murano-Torcello-Burano)



Food and drinks
