Oxford Ghost Tour - for private hauntings only!

Enjoy a guided tour of one of England's most famous medieval haunted cities. That's right!- for example, the curiously named 'New college' was founded in 1379, literally on top of the Black Death plague pits. So no shortage of spectral monks pay visits to the college. Then we have Sir Thomas Pembroke, the inspiration for Nearly Headless Nick, who has a statue (with his head on) welcoming the youth and the souls past to make use of the eery rooms of the Bodleian library, founded in the 1400s.
Plus learn some urban legends about Oxford's rogues, shady characters and the famous female convict who was sentenced to death but miraculously survived the gallows to live to tell her tale.
Be brave and join us for a night of magic and ghoulish stories and end at a historic pub to watch the latest version of the town versus the gown waging battle of intellect and fists sometimes too!
Plus learn some urban legends about Oxford's rogues, shady characters and the famous female convict who was sentenced to death but miraculously survived the gallows to live to tell her tale.
Be brave and join us for a night of magic and ghoulish stories and end at a historic pub to watch the latest version of the town versus the gown waging battle of intellect and fists sometimes too!
Tours lasting average 90 minutes for private groups only
Ghostly apparitions may claim a free ticket!
Ghostly apparitions may claim a free ticket!
Entry to colleges is not included but we introduce multiple colleges on the route
In case of very heavy rain forecast, we may notify you of plan to cancel for refund or reschedule
In case of very heavy rain forecast, we may notify you of plan to cancel for refund or reschedule