The Pre Raphaelites Artists Oxford Private Tour


Learn from your local guide interesting facts about Pre-Raphaelite artists. The group sought a return to the abundant detail, intense colors, and complex compositions of Quattrocento Italian art. Also, discover the history of two artists that were part of this movement, William Morris and Edward Burne Jones.

Finally, visit Exeter College with its chapel and the Magi tapestry. A passageway from the Front Quadrangle leads through to the college's Fellows' Garden. Enjoy the best views of Oxford and spot Radcliffe Square, including All Souls College and the Radcliffe Camera.

Please note that entry to Exeter is included, as and when it's open. Its opening schedule varies lots by the time of year.

Discover the history of Oxford, the collegiate system, and the famous alumni who studied and taught at the university. There are 38 colleges at Oxford University, but the tour will be focused on Exeter College, which continues to welcome students of the fine arts nowadays.


Entry worth £4 to the Oxford Union library, as & when open. Advance booking necessary for us here.
Entry worth £3 to Exeter college, as & when open
On any dates when neither the Oxford Union, nor Exeter may be open, we'll visit Ashmolean musuem.


Entry to either Exeter college or to the Oxford Union will be subject to them being open or not.
The further notice you book this tour, the more likelihood, I can pre-book entry to above venues.
Exeter college & the Oxford Union are not open to the general public- thus I need to pre book entry!
We cannot always guarantee entry to a college on graduation dates. 2024 graduations include....
May 18, July 13+23+26+27, Aug 3, Sep 27+28, Nov 8+9+16 of 2024
