Dante in Verona: From Inferno to Paradise


In fact, the poet was a guest of the illustrious Scaligeri Family that in Verona built castles, arch bridges, palaces and depicted the street walls with frescos.

Your guide will illuminate the intricate connections between Dante's work and the sites you will visit, enriching your understanding and making the verses come alive as you traverse the city's labyrinthine streets.

Embark in the pursuit of happiness as told in the Divine Comedy.

Ideal for couples, families with small and grown up children and groups of friends (max 10 pp, or please request a group or private booking).


  • 1.5 hour of Divine Commedy stories with a Dante expert
  • Uncover incredible sightseeing in Verona where Dante used to hang out
  • Listen to verses from Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise, which are connected to the challenges of everyone's life
  • Discover the characters of the Divine Comedy and what each of them has to teach us

Know before you go

Comfortable shoes
