National Air & Space Museum Self-Guided Audio Tour

Take this in-app audio tour of the best air and space museum in the world to spot its jewels and must-sees!
The National Air & Space Museum in Washington, D.C. features an amazing collection of aircraft, space vehicles, racing cars, and historical artifacts that will bring you to the world of technology, science, and human capabilities beyond what's possible!
The tour starts at the America by Air Exhibition where you will see aircraft that revolutionized air transportation, such as Ford Tri-Motor and Boeing 247. You will then learn the story of how a dream of flying became a reality at the Early Flight and the Wright Brothers exhibits. This enabled different ways that everyone can fly and the diversity of careers in aviation, shown at the We All Fly Gallery.
Next, you will get higher into space and hear about the exploration of Mars while walking through martian landscapes and rovers at the Exploring the Planets Gallery.
The culmination of the tour is the Destination Moon which celebrates the first lunar landing in 1969. Here, you'll find artifacts like Neil Armstrong's spacesuit and the Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia.
Finish the tour by admiring the full-size X-Wing Starfighter from Star Wars and strolling under the shiny satellites overhead at the One World Connected exhibit.
Note! Reserve free timed-entry tickets required by the NASM on their website in advance. This tour is not affiliated with the NASM, but submitted by an independent creator.
Keep in mind that this museum has free (!) admission. By buying this audio tour, you don’t pay for your entry. However, you get an opportunity to explore the beauty of the museum at your own pace, following the carefully planned route, and listening to amazing stories.
Recommendations on further activities
Downloadable multimedia audio tour on the WeGoTrip app (English)
Free-timed entry ticket
Step-by-step navigation through museum halls
Offline functionality, audio narration, and written text explanations
- Personal guide — you will get the tour on the mobile app
- Earphones — you should bring your own
Know before you go
Charged Smartphone