Through A Glass Darkly The Strange and Tragic History Of Honolulu

Who would imagine that such a happy place has such a tragic history? Hawaii's tumultuous encounter with the outside world began with the arrival of Captain Cook, whom they ate, sort of, for his troubles. A few years later, King Kamehameha celebrated his conquest of Oahu in 1795 by sacrificing his own cousin. The missionaries, who arrived in 1820, came here to do good... and did very well. Then there was the demographic bomb of waves of imported labor to cut sugar cane. Then the overthrow of the monarchy, annexation, and statehood. In the meantime, there was Pearl Harbor. And it seems that for all of that, we're just getting started.
A well-informed local perspective from a life-long Hawaii resident, teacher, and teller of tales
Forever access to the largest online trove of Hawaiian history videos (several thousands, all free)
Forever access to the largest online trove of Hawaiian history videos (several thousands, all free)