Dark Side Adventure Tours Ghosts of Historic Downtown Honolulu

Nowhere else on earth is any one square mile of downtown so saturated with the supernatural! Here are some of our stops in Historic Downtown, where Hawaii's monarchy, and its last queen, were overthrown from their gilded perch in a fairy-tale palace (where these days, the queen's spirit is to be seen gliding about the palace grounds, about a half-hour before it gets light). The statue of King Kamehameha, who unified the islands after a battle that took more than 10,000 lives... and celebrated his victory by sacrificing his own cousin. Kawaiahao Church and its cemetery: ground-zero for the ghosts and the demon Kaupe (a werewolf in its way). City Hall, where none but the unaware work after hours. The royal barracks, where lines of ghostly victims of a long-ago plague await a berth and a meal. And, a visit to the haunt of a known ghost (captured on camera)... so use your ghost detector to get acquainted (if you dare). All this, and more, awaits you on our sojourn to Honolulu's Dark Side.
A well-informed local perspective from a lifelong Hawaii resident, teacher, and teller of tales.
Forever access to Hawaii's most extensive collection of videos on Hawaii's supernatural happenings!
Use of an EMF Ghost Detector during the tour.
In-person guide
Forever access to Hawaii's most extensive collection of videos on Hawaii's supernatural happenings!
Use of an EMF Ghost Detector during the tour.
In-person guide