Lunch in the Ancient Pompei


As in the ancient Roman Caupone, the taverns of the past, you can sit back and enjoy an unprecedented experience, literally dressing the clothes of a Roman senator or a matron. You will wear the clothes of ancient senators and matrons of the time in order to relive the essence of ancient culture and to identify better with their habits at the table. Overwhelmed in a magical and almost surreal atmosphere, the soft lights in warm tones, the beautiful solid wood tables and authentically faithful chairs, you will eat in the terracotta dishes, enjoying wine in the amphorae and, of course, you will drink in the goblets. Faithfully prepared and expertly processed ingredients, the result of a careful and accurate study of research and preparation. A few meters from ancient Pompeii you will plunge into the past.


  • Food and drinks according to the chosen menù
  • Senator or Matrona clothing


  • Anything not specified in the chosen menu

Know before you go

  • Reinforced green pass is required
