Wine tasting and picnic at the Bouquet d'Alella winery


Wine tasting and a picnic at the Bouquet d'Alella winery is a unique experience for travelers because it combines exquisite local wines with the charm of a picturesque vineyard setting. The serene landscape, with its rolling hills and Mediterranean views, offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle. This intimate experience allows visitors to connect with the region's rich winemaking heritage while enjoying a relaxing and scenic picnic.


Coffee and/or Tea
Wine tasting: 4 types of wine in glass and 1 bottle of white wine in the picnic basket. Please note that the legal drinking age in Spain is 18, except in the province of Asturias, where it is 16.
Salad or gazpacho, pan, Fresh, sun-ripened tomatoes from the garden, Charcuterie platter with pork and local cheeses, Spanish omelette made with eggs and potatoes, Fresh fruit (seasonal)
Air-conditioned vehicle
All Fees and Taxes
Guided tour around the winery in English
Picnic basket with food & drinks


Pickup and Drop Off
Extra food beyond the picnic basket, Extra bottle of wines beyond the wine tasting and the picnic basket.
