Solstice Meditation Journey


Sail around Skjálfandi Bay, a beloved Hope Spot in North East Iceland and nested only a few nautical miles from the Arctic Circle for an immersive Solstice meditation journey where we will enjoy the healing benefits of Blue Therapy. The beautiful and authentic schooner Hildur will be our home for the trip, giving us an experience of slow travel while mindfully recharging in pure nature.


Guided yoga and meditation activities by local instructors and sound healers, Arnbjörg Kristín and Huld Hafliðadóttir.

Warm soup on board during the journey.

Services of the crew, on land and at sea.

Hot chocolate and cinnamon buns.

Warm overalls are provided if needed.

Know before you go

We recommend dressing according to the weather and being prepared for light hiking on Flatey Island.
